Website Maintenance
Regular, scheduled maintenance is the key to keeping your website safe, secure, fast, and accessible. Take the headache out of doing regular maintenance:
- regular updates
- security checks
- performance monitoring
Website Hosting
Let me handle all aspects of your hosting plan, while you’re still in charge! I handle all behind-the-scenes parts of your website:
- domain management
- security certificates
- hosting on a 3rd party platform
so your site is always online and you are worry-free!
Website Repair
Is your website broken? Get an emergency contract to get your website fixed and back online FAST!

Every business owner will tell you that juggling numerous roles—budgeting, bookkeeping, marketing, and more—makes for a challenging life.
From emails and meetings to networking and social media updates, your calendar fills up quickly. Unfortunately, this leaves less time to deal with an unresponsive web developer or designer.
This lack of communication can lead to website issues, lost rankings, and fewer leads, which overall, becomes a problem for your business.
That’s why having a strong relationship with your developer is crucial. A developer who is committed to helping your organization grow and prosper becomes a vital asset. Knowing you can delegate this essential part of your daily tasks brings immense relief.